R Newman Properties

R Newman Web

+37% Enquiries

A new property development company came to us looking for a modern website that suited their brand. It needed to be functional and impressive to boost brand credibility.

R Newman Web

Establishing The Brand

R Newman Website

We gave the website an impressive and stand-out home page to welcome visitors. It feels modern and fresh and urges the user to continue scrolling. We chose a “straight to the point” headline to immediately let visitors know exactly what our client does! This has kept bounce rates low and engagement high ultimately leading to 37% more enquiring. 

Featured Properites

Our client wanted to show off their newly developed properties, so we built a user-friendly layout that inspired the visitor to engage and read more. The template was built for ease of use so our client could easily upload new properties at a click of a button with no stress.

Services Used:

Business impact

Since the collaboration with us, they have continued to grow their online business. Developing more properties than ever and updating the website daily. They have reported the website to be very easy to use leaving us a 5* review.


Customer satisfaction


Increased brand awareness


User engagement

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